Section 4 Understanding Salvation - 14 The Path Of Salvation
I ordain you with My trust.

A baptismal font with the
God, the Holy Spirit (EL).


It is in baptism that one is anointed with chrism oil.

"To show further that baptism identifies the Christian with Christ, the newly baptized is now anointed with the holy oil of chrism. According to long-standing tradition priests and kings are anointed with oil. Christ our High Priest and King of kings received a supernatural anointing from His heavenly Father. So also the child, newly made a Christian, is given the priestly anointing, because through baptism he shares in the priesthood of Christ; and the anointing is done on the crown of the head, because he shares likewise in the kingship of Christ."4

To ordain means to make someone a priest or minister; confer holy orders upon5. Now that we are one with God, He can trust us again to serve Him for He knows we shall do as He wills and as He would do. We are then anointed to serve Him and His kingdom forever.

This is God’s work, as the Holy Spirit, who empowers us to go forward as He, to carry the torch and be a light of His world. As the closing statement that the priest says at the end of the mass: “go in peace to love and to  serve the Lord.”


What is Glorification?

You shall live in GRACE.

Queen Mary genuflecting. She holds a cradle with the infant Jesus (wearing the crown of God) and a rosary. In front are angels and human figures in various poses of exaltation.

Meaning: The sculpture shows Mother Mary crowned in glory.

These lines in the song “Amazing Grace” is the description of the people in various poses of exaltation: When we've been there ten thousand years, Bright shining as the sun .We've no less days to sing God's praise than when we've first begun.

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